General Family Medicine
· Adult and Child Medical Care
o Your GP's surgery is far more than a place to go when you are feeling unwell and needing a quick cure. The doctor who sees you has gone through an extensive medical training to equip her or him to help children and adults of all ages with a range of physical and emotional difficulties. GPs are at the centre of the healthcare hub and will be aware of services and expertise that are available locally and further-a-field. GPs are also aware of the link that stress and unhappy life events have on physical health so know when to suggest a talking therapy rather than medication.
o As well as all of our doctors providing best possible primary health care services, one of our doctors, Dr Christine Rushton, is appointed by Counties Manukau DHB to see ORL and ENT referred patients under the GPs with special interest scheme. This enables patients to be seen on a more timely basis and locally.